Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The ocean and the wave

The Gita once again tries to describe the indescribable essence of God. He is both existence and non-existence. He is knowledge itself, that which is to be known, and the goal of all learning. He is both within and without everything making Him simultaneously near and far, yet imperceptible because of his subtlety. God is unmanifested transcendent spirit beyond creation, without attributes that can be categorized. He is consciousness itself, therefore He is aware of all of the thoughts and perceptions of every human being. He is omnipresent to anyone who understands this, yet seemingly nowhere to be found by those who do not believe. God’s manifestation in creation is like a wave in the ocean. The wave is a part of the ocean, but it is not the ocean itself. It is made entirely of the ocean and yet is identifiable as separate from the rest of the ocean. It is from that wave of God that all the qualities of creation exhibit themselves.

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