Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Your energy goes where your mind directs it

If you are resolutely consistent in your practice of meditation you will find that your mind and senses gradually come under your control. When you calm the fluctuations of the mind and stop being a slave to indulging your senses you will conserve energy and have more inner strength to exert a strong will. But if your will is strengthened only to be used to fulfill your personal desire for wealth or longing for the fruits of your other efforts it will keep you bound to the inclinations of your individual ego. Will power that is used to cling to bad habits like overeating and oversleeping or that can result in dwelling on fear, grief, depression or conceit is misplaced. What you focus your mind on determines where your energy goes. Always be careful not to dwell on things that are negative.

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