When starting on the spiritual path, it is difficult to understand how one can live life without attachment to desires or how to lose identification with one’s individual ego. After all, our desires drive us to do everything and we do it to benefit ourselves personally, either to fulfill an inner need or to improve our physical circumstances. It’s natural to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Won’t giving these things up just make us stop wanting to do anything?
You cannot avoid acting in this world. If you really could become actionless you wouldn’t be able to maintain your body. The truth is, no one is free from some kind of action for a single moment. Even if you could control your physical body and cease to move, your mind would soon compel you into action. You are deluding yourself if you think that the way to God realization is to separate yourself from involvement in the activities of the world. No one reaches the ultimate goal of union with God by forsaking all actions. You must learn to let go of your attachments and act, not for your own sake, but for the benefit of those around you.