Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Chapter 17 begins: The Threefold Nature of Faith

Since everything has elements of the three qualities of nature and everyone’s thinking is influenced by a combination of those three elements within themselves, the expression of one’s faith in God reflects that threefold nature as well. The way we express our devotion is in agreement with the natural pattern of our inborn being. Those who are endowed with a primarily pure and harmonious nature will worship one form of God or another for the divine qualities embodied in that deity. Those who are ruled by restless dynamic energy will tend to worship God because he can grant them wealth and other benefits in life as well as fear Him because of His great power to punish the wicked. Those who are influenced by ignorance and a lack of spiritual zeal will think that their ancestors, spirits of the dead and the elements of nature are gods. However one worships, it will be reflected in their lives and influence their spiritual progress or lack thereof.

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