Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The combination of the three qualities of nature within each of us effects the way we do everything. They influence the kind of food we prefer, the way we worship, whether we choose to take on self-discipline and even how much we give to charity. With regard to food, for example, people with a pure and harmonious nature will tend to prefer foods that promote longevity, increase vitality and improve their health. Those foods tend to be mild, substantial and agreeable to the body. Foods that are bitter, sour, salty, spicy hot and heavily seasoned are preferred by people whose nature is dominated by restless energy. People who have a tendency toward laziness and ignorance will choose foods that are overcooked, nutritionally worthless, stale or even spoiled. These different types of food also exert their influence on the person who eats them. By choosing fresh and wholesome foods you can foster a healthy appetite and a cheerful mind.

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