Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do

Monday, January 30, 2012

The way to realize your oneness with God and everyone else

It has been stated in various ways throughout the Bhagavad Gita that the culmination of all wisdom and the path to absolute freedom lies in keeping your consciousness identified with your inner soul-self, which is the image of God, rather than your ego-self by eliminating your personal desires and any attachment you have to the results of your actions. By resolving to persevere in your efforts to renounce the attractions and repulsions of your body and its senses, thereby avoiding the entanglement of your mind with the fluctuations that result, you can go about the task of refining your understanding of the absolute truth and reality. It helps to be in a relatively sequestered place where you can eat lightly and where things like controlling your body, speech and mind are encouraged. In such a place it is easier to be peaceful and be less concerned about power, vanity, lust, anger and the acquisition of possessions. Then, by continuously engaging in meditation and practicing non-attachment, one becomes free of the ego’s sense of separateness and no longer suffers from the possessive attitude of “me” and “mine.” Regardless of where or how you get there, once you have removed that sense of egoism, you will be prepared to realize your oneness with God.

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