Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do

Friday, February 3, 2012

The image of God is present in the soul
of all human beings. The desire to return to Him is lodged in the hearts of
everybody. If you take refuge in meditating on that part of yourself that is
the image of God and you perform all your actions in service to others, by His
grace you will realize a profound peace of mind and find eternal shelter in His
abode. Because you can do as you wish, the cosmic illusion that is cast by the
way creation appears to operate can compel you to stay bound to this world as
if you were tied to a stone gristmill going around and around in circles. For
the sake of your spiritual growth, listen to the wisdom in this teaching and
keep your devotion steady and strong. It is up to you to apply these principles
and see for yourself what the results are. One path leads to liberation and the
other to bondage.

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