The world’s scriptures are like a well of spiritual knowledge that provides life-giving water to the ignorant. Those who have no direct experience of applying their spiritual truths are content to hear flowery discourses on the scriptures and focus on the rituals of the church, which they believe will bring them the life they desire. Focused on heaven as their reward, these deluded people keep their minds full of desires and remain deeply attached to the pleasures and power of this world. They cannot keep their thoughts fixed one-pointedly on God nor can they keep their minds balanced and centered on the reflection of the divine within, which is the true self. Their joy and satisfaction comes and goes with every experience of pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat. Those who are happy only when the results of their efforts turn out like they want them to are bound to be disappointed. The spiritually wise are free from the interplay of power, lust and greed that dominates the world. Ever calm and not thinking about being rewarded for their efforts or getting and keeping material things, the wise keep their attention fixed on the divine within. Those who do the right thing for its own sake do not care if their efforts turn out the way the wanted them to because they know they did the right thing anyway. When you do everything centered in that equanimity, renouncing all attachments, you will enjoy an undisturbed mind and it will lead to union with God. Those who have already achieved that union with God and who are living a divine life have an intuitive understanding of God’s will that makes the scriptures about as useful as a well that is located right next to a flowing river of pure water. The written scriptures then become something they can use to confirm their own spiritual experiences.
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