No one is completely free from the influence of the three qualities of nature as
long as they are still in their mortal body. People become different in their
mental tendencies based on the various combinations of the three qualities and
as a result of their own choice of good or bad actions in the past. It is
important to fulfill the societal duties that result from those tendencies
that, combined, become one’s own true nature. Some people will be “destined,”
so to speak, by those tendencies to become spiritual seekers and serve society
by becoming priests or even monks and nuns. Others will see the wisdom in
avoiding over-indulgence in sensual pleasures and will have the inner strength
to naturally lead people by their example. Those who have a more intellectual
understanding of things will serve society best by jobs that require mental
effort. Those who tend to think that only the things they see in this material
existence are real will often be the ones who perform physical labor. While
there are many combinations and permutations of these broad categories of
people, what is important is that you choose a path that is in harmony with
your own inner nature. Don’t try to be someone you are not. Work within your temperament
to better yourself by making good choices and benefiting others with whatever
you do.
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